亞普達 Google Adwords 關鍵字廣告優化服務

亞普達 Allproducts.com 是台灣第一家獲得 Google 正式授權、簽約、直接培訓之合格、合法、專業的網路廣告專家,只有接受過 Google 專業訓練的亞普達團隊能以 Google 最專業的網路技術與網路工具來為您優化、最佳化您的網路廣告系統,把您的市場行銷可能性做到最大!同時也為您帶來合法、專業、誠實、可靠的網路行銷方案。

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Google AdWords Print Ads 正式於美國推出

Google AdWords 最新創舉,進軍美國平面媒體廣告市場,將點擊競價模式應用在平面媒體之上,成為針對瀏覽人數的新競價模式,讓中小企業也有挑戰大品牌的機會!

What is Google Print Ads?

Google Print Ads is an extension of AdWords that makes it easy for advertisers and agencies of all sizes to run ads in newspapers across the U.S. – whether you're buying space in one paper or a hundred.

Why newspaper advertising?

Newspapers remain a vibrant and popular medium that speaks more directly to local markets than most other media. When executed well, newspaper advertising can make any marketing campaign stronger.

How does Google Print Ads work?

Running newspaper ads with Google Print Ads is easy – you use a simple online interface to select newspapers and place bids for ad space in them. The papers you've selected approve or decline these bids (and give you direct feedback about their decisions). After your ad runs, you can see electronic copies of them on the page.